Max Gimblett

Aotearoa New Zealand, b.1935

For Yves Klein

  • 1985
  • Pencil, acrylic polymer and metallic pigment on Arches Watercolour 300lb paper (France)
  • The Max Gimblett and Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett Gift
  • 584 x 775mm
  • 2011/170

“The quatrefoil is an ancient image with limitless meanings. It has long appeared on Christian churches, the four leaves sometimes being taken to stand for the four evangelists. […] It appears in the design of Japanese sword guards. It echoes the mandalas that fascinated Carl Jung with his four-way division of human activity: sensation, intuition, feeling, and thinking. For [Max] it is [also] the outline of your mother’s crochet work discovered under glass in her house after she died.” —Lewis Hyde, writer and cultural critic, United States

(Max Gimblett: Ocean Wheel 1 August – 15 November 2020)