
Fernside art class

Behind the scenes

Room 10 at Fernside School are doing some amazing school work about art from Christchurch Art Gallery and we think that's pretty cool.


I was at Fernside School last week running outreach lessons and was quite proud to see on the classroom walls research posters, collages and art work based on the outer spaces works that have gone up around the city over the last year or so.

The class recently visited the city and went on a guided tour to see the outer spaces works around the Gallery, down Worcester Boulevard and through the city. As part of their tour the students wrote notes, drew sketches and photographed what they saw.


They also read the interviews and articles in the bulletin regularly in class. Throughout the year they look at works of art that fill a double-page spread in the bulletin known as the pagework series. They use what they see as inspiration for their own art. Here is a woven artwork inspired by Scott Flanagan's pagework from B.169.

By Emily Pettigrew

By Emily Pettigrew

And here's the original by Scott.

Scott Flanagan Recombinant Field Data: Landscape, Portrait, Text 2012. Found magazines, recycled cigarette paper. Reproduced courtesy of the artist.

Scott Flanagan Recombinant Field Data: Landscape, Portrait, Text 2012. Found magazines, recycled cigarette paper. Reproduced courtesy of the artist.

We send a copy of Bulletin to all schools in Christchurch and often wonder and hope it is making its way into the classroom and being used, read or acting as a source of inspiration to teachers when thinking about art lessons. I was thrilled to see it gets utilised thoroughly in one school at least. The teacher, Annabel Wilson, had this to say, "I love the support it gives me in studying contemporary art. Next year the students will complete a study of an artist, so the bulletin is extremely helpful in helping me construct a list (of artist models) for them." And in response I say, Yah! Woo Hoo! Go Room 10! Go Annabel! Good stuff!