
B.165 is on its way

Behind the scenes

It's September, and if you're a subscriber or a Friend of the Gallery you're probably wondering where your copy of Bulletin is... again! But relax, it'll be with you soon.


Unfortunately Spectrum Print – our longstanding print partner and generous supporter of Bulletin – took a bit of a beating during February's quake; as a result, and still working with Spectrum, we have moved production to Wellington until they are up-and-running again. This has been great, but the distance has slowed things down a little.

So early this week, I was in Petone, press-passing B.165 with Format Print. Right now the ink is drying, by Friday the magazine should be folded and stapled, and then it needs to come back to Christchurch for packing. And as soon as possible after after that, we'll have it in the post.

We're sorry about the delay, but it is worth the wait – there's some great stuff in there, including an inspirational interview with Dan Cameron, director of Prospect New Orleans, about the ways art can help in the aftermath of a natural disaster. And with Julia Morison's fantastic Aibohphobia on the cover it'll certainly stand out when it arrives.

In the meantime, why not have a bit of a sneak preview here.